cannot tell you how I feel today.. it is the beginning of a week of full emotion as the real countdown has now started.. just a few more days (not even weeks..) to go and I will be back to Europe the first time after 9 months..

I have got to Sao Paulo today, early morning flight..so that I could enjoy the last beautiful sunrise of Brasilia.. such a great time in Brasilia.. moment that I will always take with me! How to forget the car of Claudia, the perfect host and a great cook (I have finally experienced some proper Brazilian homemade cousin at her place).. but most of all, how to forget the beautiful moments spent with Malcov!

We had an amazing time both in Brasilia and at Chapada dos Veadeiros: a lovely flat with an outstanding landscape view, great daily excursion around the area .. maybe sometimes we got some issue on the road getting stuck with our car on row muddy roads.. but each second was worth it the moment! I will always remember our long talk..and the passion in Malcov’e eyes each time he was talking to me about his favorite Philosopher Aristotle.. how nice was to stare at those eyes and get lost in some interesting history lessons.

Yes, this is definitely the case of when you meet someone who maybe you won’t meet anymore (well..who knows..) but anyway will remain forever in your hearth.. I will miss you, Prof!
Back to my countdown.. cannot disclose yet the right date..remember my parent’s surprise right??!! Keeping them on the edge lol.. well keeping myself on the edge too.. the emotion is stronger and stronger.. I kind of feel at home here..but still miss home sometimes…crazy eh??!.. Well, that’s me.. Marilicious.. my new Brazilian nickname!
Anyway.. let’s see what this humongous city has to offer to me on this days.. I gotta admit, I am not a big fan of big city , unless you decide to live them for at least few months (that I clearly don’t have..)..but I am sure that thanks to all my new Paulista friends met around in this trip.. I will get a great experience here in SP.. time to get my check in done now and off to some pure tourist sightseeing ..lol..yes maybe I decide to be a tourist today rather than traveler.. 🙂
Stay tuned…